In 2008 Angela Hughey and Sheri Owens co-founded and launched ONE Community, an interactive web and events community for LGBT and allied individuals and businesses.
From the beginning, this small business with a big heart believed that giving back was the right thing to do, 10% of the company's revenue from memberships went to Phoenix based LGBT non-profits from day one. Additionally, ONE Community gave back and highlighted their non-profit partners at business and social events throughout the year. This model of giving back continued until the end of 2010.
In 2011, ONE Community held their inaugural Spotlight on Success Local Heroes Awards, putting a spotlight on twelve LGBT and allied ONE Community business members for their commitment to diversity. The duo decided to focus their giving to the Spotlight event, granting 100% of the Awards raffle to Maricopa Community Colleges OUT and UP Scholarship for at-risk LGBT youth. After the awards ceremony, ONE Community business members suggested creating a mentorship program for LGBT youth as business membership had grown and members felt that ONE Community was in a position to leverage business relationships and offer unique mentorship and leadership opportunities.
In 2012, ONE Community announced the creation of its Multicultural Advisory Board, bringing diverse LGBT and allied business and non-profit professionals into the conversation about creating the ONE Community Foundation. After careful deliberation the group decided that the creation of the ONE Community Foundation should move forward and on October 19th at the 2012 Spotlight on Success Local Heroes Awards, the creation of the ONE Community Foundation was announced with 100% of the events raffle proceeds benefiting New Pathways for Youth, an LGBT inclusive mentorship programs for high school students.
The ONE Community Foundation provides educational opportunities to ensure better understanding of nondiscrimination and the importance of being LGBT inclusive. Additionally, the foundation will offer tuition assistance to LGBT and allied high potential leaders for leadership training.
We believe in investing in LGBT and allied young adults and professionals to ensure a brighter future and stronger foundation for all of Arizona. We are the ONE Community Foundation.